Marissa Vermeulen

Marissa Vermeulen, CPT

NSPA Certified, AFFA Certified, Les Mills Certified, Tabata Boot Camp Certified, CPR-AED

As a child I was always very active. I did ballet, gymnastics, swimming and biking. Growing up in Holland (The Netherlands) the only way we pretty much got around was by bicycle, so I was always on the move pedaling away. My family and I moved to the USA when I was 16 years old. 

Gym Shots
Our first stop was Connecticut, and that’s where I learned to speak English, went to High School,  as well as College. Over the years I went to the gym but I wasn’t very consistent with my exercising as well as my diet.  Remember slim fast shakes and starving yourself? This was the late 80’s and early 90’s and I dove right into it. Yes, I did wear those horrible thongs over my tights accompanied with leg warmers while doing step aerobics…”Yup girls just wanted to have fun!” Whoops I guess I just gave away my age!

After becoming a mother, I felt I had no time to exercise and became even less active. After having my 3rd child and gaining a lot of weight over the years, I had no energy for my children and wasn’t feeling good about myself at all. In addition, we had relocated almost 10 different times during a 17 year period.

As a birthday present to myself I joined a gym and hired a personal trainer. That’s where my life took a big change for the better!!  He motivated and pushed me harder than I would have by myself, and helped me reach all of my personal benchmarks! I lost 50 lbs and have kept it off for 10 years now! It made me feel so good that I decided that I wanted to help others feel the same way I felt. I became a certified personal trainer in 2009 and train people in the gym, outside, or in the comfort of their own homes. I really love working with my clients one on one and helping them reach their personal goals. I work with men and women different ages, pregnant, post pregnancy and some with disabilities. I also became a Certified Group Fitness Instructor, as well as a Body Pump and Tabata Boot Camp instructor. I absolutely love the energy group fitness brings! It’s so much fun! Besides teaching at the local gym, I also  teach outdoor boot camps in the local area!

As a very busy mom to my 3 children I know how hard it can be to fit exercise into your life.

Fitness is a big part of my daily life, and I think it’s very important to make exercising fun! There are so many fun and creative ways to get fit, and stay healthy.  You have to find that balance in your life!  That’s what I really want to help people accomplish!